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Abstrak: Klinik kecantikan merupakan sebuah lembaga kesehatan yang khusus menangani masalah kecantikan dan ditangani langsung oleh para ahli atau dokter. Kecantikan dapat bergantung pada mesin-mesin berteknologi tinggi yang ada di klinik kecantikan Dura Skin U.S.A. Salah satu jenis perawatan oksigen yang diberikan di klinik Duraskin adalah Facial Oxyflash (FO). Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi minat konsumen Terdapat dua faktor dasar yaitu faktor eksternal dan faktor internal. Faktor-faktor yang termasuk ke dalam faktor internal adalah motivasi, persepsi, belajar, kepribadian, gaya hidup, dan sikap. Faktor eksternal merupakan faktor yang meliputi pengaruh kebudayaan, kelas sosial, keluarga, dan kelompok referensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat konsumen memilih perawatan wajah (facial) oxyflash di klinik Duraskin Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk deskriptif kuantitatif, obyek penelitian 35 konsumen di klinik Duraskin. metode pengumpulan data yaitu angket atau kuesioner serta dokumentasi kemudian hasil penelitian diuji dengan skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor internal yang mencakup motivasi 54% kuat, persepsi 57% kuat, belajar 80% kuat dan, kepribadian 54% sangat kuat, gaya hidup 63% sangat kuat, sikap 46% sangat kuat. Faktor eksternal adalah kebudayaan 63% kuat, kelas sosial 69% kuat, keluarga 37% kuat, kelompok referensi 37% kuat. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi minat konsumen adalah faktor belajar dan faktor persepsi dikarenakan setelah melakukan perawatan oxyflash responden lebih percaya diri melihat hasilnya cepat memperbaiki kulit yang bermasalah serta merasa puas dan reputasi klinik Duraskin terkenal baik, pelayanan yang diberikan memuaskan dan biaya perawatan oxyflash  terjangkau.

Kata kunci: Faktor  internal, Faktor eksternal, Facial, Oxyflash.


Abstract: Beauty Clinic is a health institution that specifically handles beauty and handled by beauty experts or doctors directly. Beauty can be relied on high technology beauty machine such as Facial Oxyflash (FO) machine for oxygen skin treatment at Duraskin U.S.A. There are two basic factors affecting consumer’s interest on beauty treatment. They are external and internal factors. Motivation, perception, knowledge, personality, lifestyle, and attitude are included in internal factors. While external factors are culture impact, social status, family, and references.The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting consumer’s choice on Facial Oxyflash (FO) as their face treatment in Duraskin Beauty clinic Surabaya. The type of this study is Quantitative descriptive research, with 35 consumers of  Duraskin beauty clinic as research objects. The data obtained using questionnaire and documentation were tested using lickert scale.The results of this study indicate that: Internal factors that are included are motivation which the percentage of motivation factor obtained was 54% and states as strong, the percentage of perception factor 57% stated as strong, the percentage of knowledge factor obtained was 80% stated as strong, the percentage of personality factor obtained was  54% stated as strong, the percentage of lifestyle factor obtained was 63% stated as strong, the percentage of attitude factor obtained was 46% stated as strong. The percentage of external factor that are included were culture impact with percentage score obtained 63% stated as strong, the percentage of social status factor obtained was 69% stated as strong. The percentage of family factor obtained was 37% stated as strong, the percentage of  references factor obtained was 37% stated as strong.The most affected factors affecting consumer’s interest were knowledge and perception factors. Because after receiving Oxyflash treatment consumers feel more confident. The Oxyflash treatment quickly improved consumer’s troubled skin and statesfied with the service and good reputation of Duraskin beauty clinics.

Keywords: external and internal factors, facial treatment, Oxyflash

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