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Stevie Gadis Prayudi


Abstrak: Kerjasama antar negara yang diterapkan oleh  Indonesia dan Jepang dikaitkan dengan atraksi budaya berupa tarian. Jepang telah menyebarkan budaya tradisionalnya di Indonesia melalui festival berupa perayaan dari Sister city (saudara kembar). Perayaan Sister city diadakan setiap tahun di Surabaya berupa festival tari Yosakoi dan tari remo  untuk memperlihatkan kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh kedua negara. Penari yosakoi pada komunitas Doya-Doya Unesa menggunakan jasa perias disetiap pementasan karena mereka tidak mempunyai dasar tata rias karakter,  serta tata rias yang digunakan hanyalah tata rias wajah natural sehingga tidak terlihat dari jarak jauh oleh penonton sehingga perlu adanya pelatihan untuk mengasah keterampilan dari penari yosakoi,agar lebih terampil dalam mengaplikasikan tata rias secara mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : keterlaksanaan pelatihan, aktivitas peserta, hasil praktek peserta,dan respon  peserta pelatihan tata rias wajah karakter kabuki. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre- eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian pre-test and post-test group design . Subyek penelitian sebanyak 24 mahasiswa penari yosakoi pada tim Doya-Doya Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi aktivitas peserta pelatihan, test kinerja hasil pelatihan, dan angket respon peserta. Analisis data penelitian  menggunakan rerata berupa keterlaksanaan pelatihan dengan hasil yang diperoleh rata-rata 3,8 dengan kriteria sangat baik, aktivitas peserta diperoleh rata-rata 3,7 dengan kriteria sangat baik, kinerja keterampilan  pada pretest menunjukkan rata-rata 50,3, sedangkan hasil posttest  menunjukkan  rata-rata 87,24, Kemudian uji-t berpasangan dengan hasil yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 18.720 dengan signifikasi 0,000 maka terdapat peningkatan keterampilan merias wajah karakter kabuki. Dan presentase berupa respon peserta dengan hasil yang diperoleh sebesar 100% dengan kriteria sangat baik

Kata Kunci : Pelatihan, tata rias wajah karakter kabuki



Abstract: A Cooperation between countries which is applied by our country, Indonesia and Japan, associated with the cultural attraction namely dance. Japan has been disseminating traditional culture in Indonesia through the festivals as a form of celebration of the sister city. In the celebration of the sister city each year, Surabaya held a Yosakoi  dance festival and remo dance to entertain the public and to show the country that belongs to the culture of Japan and Indonesia. Yosakoi dancers in Doya Doya Unesa community were using beautician services in every performance, because they do not have the basic of character make up, also the makeup used is only a natural makeup, so that it cannot be seen in a long distance by the audiences. Theefore, it needs a training to build a skill for Yosakoi dancer so that they can apply the make up by themselves. The objectives of the study is to know: the realization of makeup training for yosakoi dancer, participants’ training activity, the results of participants’ training, and participants’ responses towards the makeup training for Yosakoi dancer. This research was pre-experimental. The research design of this study was using pre-test and post-test group. There subject of the study were 24 university students as a Yosakoi dancers in Doya Doya team of State University of Surabaya.The data collection technique was using observation of participants’ activity during the training program, the results of training performance, and questionnaire. The data analysis technique of this study was using mean in the form of the implementation of training. The result was 3,8 with good criteria. The result from participants activity was 3,7 with good criteria. As the result of the skills performance in prestest, it showed 50,3, while in post test it showed 87,24. On the other hand, the result of T-Test was 18.720 with the significant 0,000. Therefore, it showed skills improvement in kabuki character make up, and a response in the form of a percentage of participants with the results obtained in the amount of 100% with very good criteria.

Keywords: training, kabuki character face makeup

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