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Abstrak: Kurikulum 2013 yang saat ini diintroduksikan untuk DIKDASMEN menerapkan model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah. Proses pembelajaran mengacu Discovery Learning dan aplikasi pembelajarannya menggunakan Scientific Approach. Kompetensi perawatan tangan, kaki dan merias kuku perlu dipelajari di SMK. Mengingat jenis kulit tidak selalu sama untuk setiap individu manusia, maka menimbulkan permasalahan untuk bisa dipecahkan supaya tetap terjaga fungsi dan keindahannya. Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajarannya, guru perlu mengembangkan materi yang diantaranya dapat melalui modul ajar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktifitas guru, aktifitas siswa, hasil belajar dan respon siswa tentang model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah menggunakan modul ajar. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan One-Shot Case Study. Sasaran penelitian yaitu siswa Kelas X dengan jumlah 34 siswa. Prosedur penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan RPP berdasarkan silabus dan mengembangkan modul ajar. Metode pengumpulan data untuk aktivitas guru dan aktivitas siswa menggunakan observasi, hasil belajar siswa dengan tes dan respon siswa menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data untuk aktifitas guru dan siswa menggunakan presentase keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil belajar siswa dengan presentase ketuntasan belajar, dan respon siswa dengan presentase penerimaan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Aktifitas guru pada pertemuan I memperoleh nilai 82,5% dan pertemuan II memperoleh nilai 89,9% yang memiliki kategori “sangat baik”. Aktifitas siswa diamati dengan Scientific Approach dengan perolehan nilai mengamati 79,15% kategori “baik”, mempertanyakan 81,25% kategori “sangat baik”, mengeksplorasi 91,7% kategori “sangat baik”, mengasosiasi 81,25% kategori “sangat baik”, mengkomunikasikan 76,4% dengan kategori “baik”. Pada Hasil belajar kognitif  mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 86,4 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 94,1%, hasil belajar psikomotor mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 82,76 dengan hasil 100% siswa tuntas dalam melakukan perawatan tangan, kaki dan merias kuku. Penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah menggunakan modul ajar dapat dijadikan acuan untuk diterapkan pada mata pelajaran lainnya.


Kata kunci: Model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah, Modul Ajar, Perawatan Tangan, Kaki dan Merias kuku




Abstract: Curriculum 2013 which is being introduced to DIKDASMEN implements problem based learning. Learning process refers to Discovery Learning and its learning application uses Scientific Approach. Competency of manicure, padicure and nail art is necessary to be learned at SMK. As type of skin is not always as same as each person has, therefore it can be a problem to be solved in order to maintain its function and beauty. To obtain learning objective, the teacher need to develop learning materials by using learning module. The objective of this research is to find out teacher, students, learning achievement and students responses concerning problem based learning using learning module. Research design in this research is One-Shot Case Study. Object of this research is Class X students with total of 34 students. Procedure of this research is started with drafting the Lesson Plan based on Syllabus and to improve learning module. Methods of data collection for the teacher and student activities are using observation, students learning achievement by using test and to find out students responses by using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques to the teachers and students activities by using the percentage of learning feasibility, students learning achievement by using the percentage of learning completeness and student responses by using  learning acceptance percentage. Result of this research is the teacher activity on the first meeting obtained score of 82.5% and the Second meeting the teacher obtained score of 89.9% which refers to “very good” category. Students activity is observed by Scientific Approach with observation  score of 79.15% which refers to “good” category, questioning score is 81.25% which refers to “very good” category, exploration score is 91.7% which refers to “very good” category, association score is 81.25%  which refers to “very good” category, communication score is 76.4% which refers to “good” category.  Result of cognitive learning is on the average of 86,4 with classical completeness is  94.1%, result of psychomotor  learning is 82.76 with result of 100% of the students are complete in conducting Manicure, padicure and nail art. Based on this research it can be concluded that implementation of problem based learning by using teaching module can be used as guidance to be implemented in other subject.


Keywords: The problem based learning model, Teaching Modules, Manicure, padicure dan nail art

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