MATHEdunesa is a scientific journal of mathematics education published by the Mathematics Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. MATHEdunesa accepts and publishes research articles and book review in the field of Education, which includes:
? Development of learning model
? Problem solving, creative thinking, and Mathematics Competencies
?Realistic mathematics education and contextual learning,
?Innovation of instructional design
?Learning media development
? Assesment and evaluation in Mathematics education
? Desain research in Mathematics Education
e-issn: 2685-7855
p-issn: 2301-9085
Mathematics Department, Building C8 FMIPA
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Jl. Ketintang Surabaya 60231
Homepage: https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/mathedunesa/index
E-mail: mathedunesa@unesa.ac.id