Sensory Test, Nutritional Content, And Economic Value Of Cookies Substituted With Red Bean Flour And Pumpkin Seed Flour As A High Iron Snack

  • Amelia Putri Aditiya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Anemia, Iron, Cookies, Red Bean, Pumpkin Seed


Anemia is a condition when iron levels are in the body are less than normal levels. Most can be caused by iron common intake deficiency. Adolescent girls are a group that often experiences anemia, due to lack of consumption of foods that contain high iron. Cookies are snack that is favored by many people, including teenagers. In this study, high iron food substitutions were made in cookies, namely red bean flour and pumpkin seed flour. The purpose of this study was to analyze of text of substitution of red bean flour and pumpkin seed flour on the sensory test, nutritional content and economic value of cookies as a high iron snack. The method used in this research is a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments. Sensory test data collection techniques based on the using 5 expert panelists and 25 moderately trained panelists, then the data were analyzed using the Friedman statistical test with the Wilcoxon follow-up test with a confidence level of 95% (p <0.05). Test the nutritional content of protein levels using Kjeldahl and iron levels using Atomic Absorption Spectophotometry. Based on the results of the sensory test, there was a significant effect of substituting red bean flour and pumpkin seed flour on the level of liking for color, shape, aroma, texture, taste and overall. The best formulation product based on sensory test was F2. The results of the nutritional content test of the 4 cookie formulas in 100 grams were declared high in iron content, namely F0 12.37 mg, F1 9.42 mg, F2 16.96 mg and F3 11.02 mg. The economic value of cookies F0 amounted to Rp 14,003.6; F1 amounted to Rp 16,828.5; F2 amounted to Rp 17,591.6 and F3 amounted to Rp 18,355.


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How to Cite
Aditiya, A. (2023) “Sensory Test, Nutritional Content, And Economic Value Of Cookies Substituted With Red Bean Flour And Pumpkin Seed Flour As A High Iron Snack”, GIZI UNESA, 3(2), pp. 297-305. Available at: (Accessed: 17May2024).
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