The Relationship of Macronutrient Adequacy with Fat Percentage in Heavy Sports Classification Athletes at Sidoarjo State Sports High School
Macronutrient Adequacy, Fat Percentage, Athlete, Sidoarjo State Sports High School, Kecukupan Zat Gizi Makro, Persentase Lemak, Atlet, SMA Negeri Olahraga SidoarjoAbstract
Macronutrient adequacy is the main factor that can optimize the nutritional status of athletes. The longer the duration and harder the intensity of the exercise, the more energy is required. Athletes in heavy sports classifications require greater nutrient intake due to their high activity levels. If nutrient intake is insufficient, it can reduce the availability of energy stores in the body which will affect the body fat percentage of athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between macronutrient adequacy and fat percentage in heavy sports classification athletes at Sidoarjo State Sports High School. This type of research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional research design. The samples in this study were 39 wrestling and judo athletes. Macronutrient adequacy data is obtained from the results of the Semi Food Frequency Questionnare (SQ-FFQ) which is compared with the athlete's daily intake requirements. While the percentage of fat obtained with BIA (Bioelectric Impedance Analysis) scales. Data were analyzed using the spearman rank correlation test. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between energy adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.012), there is a relationship between carbohydrate adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.020), there is a relationship between fat adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.034), but there is no relationship between protein adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.789) of athletes classified as heavy sports at Sidoarjo State Sports High School.Downloads
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