About the Journal
Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi (JPAK) is published by the Accounting Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) with registered number ISSN (online) 2722-7502, ISSN (Print) 2337-6457. This journal publishes the results of research and thoughts in the fields of Accounting Education, Accounting Learning Model, Accounting Learning Media, Accounting Learning Evaluation, Accounting Education Curriculum, Accounting Science, Finance, Taxation, and Banking. The frequency of JPAK's publications is 3 times a year, namely in April, August and December. All articles that are accepted and meet the requirements will be published and freely available (open access) for all readers to read and download.
Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi (JPAK) The Accounting Education Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business is published by the State University of Surabaya in collaboration with the Alliance of Indonesian Accounting Educators Profession/Aliansi Profesi Pendidik Akuntansi Indonesia (APRODIKSI).
Document of Cooperation Agreement for Accounting Education Study Program FEB UNESA with APRODIKSI : Download