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Pasta ravioli termasuk jenis pasta segar yang berisi. Pengembangan produk baru berupa pasta ravioli instan dengan bahan dasar pati ganyong dilakukan sebagai salah satu bentuk alternatif pengolahan pasta agar lebih praktis dan penyimpanan lebih tahan lama. Pembuatan pasta ravioli instan dalam penelitian ini ditambahkan isi berupa ragout (roux yang diisi) yang divariasikan dengan daging kering dan bayam kering untuk menambah nilai gizi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh subtitusi pati ganyong (canna edulis) pada pembuatan pasta ravioli dalam keadaan kering meliputi (warna, bentuk, aroma) dalam keadaan basah meliputi (warna, bentuk, aroma, kekenyalan, rasa), serta mengetahui nilai gizi dan cemaran mikroba pasta (angka lempeng total, kapang, E.coli) pasta ravioli instan terbaik.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pola faktor tunggal dengan perlakuan subtitusi pati ganyong 50%, 60%, 70%. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi melalui uji organoleptik. Sampel dinilai oleh panelis terlatih (Dosen Bidang Studi Tata Boga UNESA) sebanyak 15 orang dan panelis semi terlatih (Mahasiswa S1 Tata Boga UNESA) sebanyak 25 orang. Data hasil uji organoleptik dianalisis dengan anova tunggal. Pasta ravioli instan terbaik ditentukan berdasarkan uji Duncan, selanjutnya diuji kimia (karbohidrat, protein, lemak, air), serta mengetahui nilai gizi dan cemaran mikroba (angka lempeng total, kapang, E.coli).

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan :1) Subtitusi pati ganyong berpengaruh terhadap warna pasta ravioli dalam keadaan kering  tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada bentuk dan aroma; 2) Substitusi pati ganyong berpengaruh terhadap  warna dan kekenyalan pasta ravioli dalam  keadaan basah tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada bentuk, aroma, dan rasa; 3) Nilai gizi produk pasta ravioli instan terbaik diperoleh dari Subtitusi pati ganyong 60% dan terigu 40%, adalah karbohidrat 6,63%; protein 8,08%; lemak 16,52% air 4,95%. 4). Cemaran mikroba angka lempeng total 1.700 – 5.200 jumlh.kol/g, kapang 280 – 440 jumlh.kol/g, dan E.coli (negatif).

                Kata kunci : pasta, ravioli, pati ganyong




Ravioli pasta including the type of fresh pasta that contains. New product development in the form of instant pasta ravioli with canna starch base material is done as a form of alternative processing of pasta to make it more practical and more durable storage. Making instant pasta ravioli in this study in the form of added contents ragout (stuffed roux) that varied with dried meat and dried spinach to add nutritional value. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of substitution of starch canna (Canna edulis) in the making of pasta ravioli in a dry state covers (color, shape, aroma) in wet conditions include (color, shape, aroma, firmness, flavor), and to know the nutritional value and microbial contamination of pasta (total plate count, mold, E. coli) instant best ravioli pasta.

This study is a design experiment with a single factor pattern with substitution treatment canna starch 50%, 60%, 70%. The data was collected using the method of observation through organoleptic tests. Samples were assessed by trained panelists (Lecturer Field of Study Catering UNESA) as many as 15 people and semi-trained panelists (S1 Catering Students UNESA) as many as 25 people. Data results were analyzed by ANOVA organoleptic single. Best instant pasta ravioli determined by Duncan test, then tested chemicals (carbohydrates, protein, fat, water), and to know the nutritional value and microbial contamination (total plate count, mold, E. coli).

The results showed: 1) The substitution effect on the color canna starch paste ravioli in a dry state but has no effect on the shape and aroma; 2) Substitution of canna starch affects the color and firmness of pasta ravioli in wet conditions but had no effect on the shape, aroma, and taste; 3) The nutritional value of pasta ravioli products instant best canna starch obtained from the substitution of 60% and wheat 40%, is 6.63% carbohydrate; 8.08% protein; fat 4.95% 16.52% water. 4). Microbial contamination of total plate count 1700-5200 jumlh.kol / g, molds 280-440 jumlh.kol / g, and E. coli (negative).

Keywords: pasta, ravioli, canna starch

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