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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis cairan dan jumlah puree wortel terhadap sifat organoleptik kue kembang goyang, meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan dan tingkat kesukaan. Hasil terbaik dari uji organoleptik diteruskan pada uji kandungan serat, lemak, vitamin A, β-karoten, protein. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pola dua faktor, yaitu : faktor A terdapat tiga perlakuan jumlah puree wortel sebagai berikut : jumlah puree wortel 20%, 30% dan 40% dari berat tepung dan faktor B terdapat dua perlakuan penggunaan jenis cairan yaitu santan dan sari kedelai.
Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan uji organoleptik sebanyak 40 panelis yaitu panelis terlatih dari 15 dosen PKK UNESA, dan panelis setengah terlatih dari 25 mahasiswa Unesa Tata Boga angkatan 2010. Data hasil uji organoleptik dianalisis dengan uji anava ganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS 20.
Hasil analisis yaitu : a. Terdapat pengaruh jenis cairan terhadap hasil jadi kue kembang goyang meliputi warna, aroma, rasa dan kesukaan; b. Terdapat pengaruh jumlah puree wortel terhadap hasil jadi kue kembang goyang meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan dan kesukaan; c. Terdapat pengaruh interaksi jenis cairan dan jumlah puree wortel terhadap hasil jadi kue kembang goyang meliputi warna dan kerenyahan; d. produk terbaik meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, kerenyahan dan tingkat kesukaan adalah produk dengan perlakuan jumlah puree wortel 20%, 30% dan santan, jumlah puree wortel 20% dan sari kedelai; e. Nilai kandungan gizi kue kembang goyang bedasarkan uji kimia dilaboraturium pada perlakuan jumlah puree wortel 20% dan santan adalah protein 9,18 g, serat 3,62 g, vitamin A 61.540 SI, lemak 3,61 g dan β-karoten 121,333 μg/g. Perlakuan dengan jumlah puree wortel 30% dan santan adalah protein 8,58 g, serat 2,68 g, vitamin A 103.500 SI, β-karoten 206.083,333 μg/g dan lemak 5,94 g. Kandungan gizi pada perlakuan jumlah puree wortel 20% dan santan adalah β-karoten 164.333,333 μg/g, vitamin A 70.900 SI, serat 3,48 g, protein 9,88 g dan lemak 4,01 g.
Kata kunci : kue kembang goyang, puree wortel dan jenis cairan

The aims of this research was to know the effect of liquid type and carrot puree quantity toward the organoleptic characteristic of cake kembang goyang including color, aroma, taste, crispness and preference level. The best of organoleptic test then continued with containing test of fiber, fat, vitamin A, -carotene, protein. Type of this research was experimental research with two factors design, that were: factor A including three quantity treatments: quantity of carrot puree 20%, 30%, and 40% of flour weight and factor B including two treatments of liquid used, that were coconut milk and soymilk.
Data collection method conducted with organoleptic test by 40 panelists, they are trained panelists from 15 lecturers of PKK UNESA, and semi-trained panelist from 25 students of Culinary UNESA academic year 2010. Data of the organoleptic test analyzed with two way anava by using SPSS 20 program.
The result shows that: a. There was effect of liquid type toward the outcome of cake kembang goyang including color, smell, taste, and preferably; b. There was effect of carrot puree quantity toward the outcome of cake kembang goyang including color, smell, taste, crispness, and preferably; c. There was effect of liquid type and carrot puree quantity interaction toward the outcome of cake kembang goyang including color and crispness; d. The best product including color, smell, taste, crispness and preferably level was on product with treatment quantity of carrot puree 20%, 30% and coconut milk, quantity of carrot puree 20% and soymilk; e. Nutrition contained in cake kembang goyang based on chemical test at laboratory on treatment quantity of carrot puree 20% and coconut milk are protein 9.18 g, fiber 3.62 g, vitamin A 61,540 SI, fat 3.61g, -carotene 121.333 g/g. Treament with quantity of carrot puree 30% and coconut milk are protein 8.58 g, fiber 2.68 g, vitamin A 103,500 SI, -carotene 206,083.333 g/g and fat 5.94 g. Nutrition containing in treatment quantity of carrot puree 20% and coconut milk are -carotene 164,333.333 g/g, vitamin A 70.900 SI, fiber 3.48 g, protein 9.88 g and fat 4.01 g.

Keywords: cake kembang goyang, liquid type and quantity carrot puree

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