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Bekatul adalah lapisan terluar dari beras yang terlepas saat proses penggilingan padi. Penambahan bekatul pada roti tawar untuk mengurangi ketersediaan bekatul yang melimpah, memanfaatkan kandungan gizi pada bekatul yang banyak dibutuhkan tubuh, sekaligus dapat menambah serat dan protein pada roti tawar. Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh penambahan bekatul terhadap hasil jadi roti tawar (open top bread) yang meliputi bentuk, warna kerak, warna penampang roti, pori-pori, aroma dan rasa, 2) roti tawar terbaik, 3) kandungan protein dan serat pada roti tawar terbaik. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain 1 faktor menggunakan 3 perlakuan yaitu penambahan bekatul 10, 15, dan 20%. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan uji organoleptik oleh panelis terlatih, panelis berjumlah 15 orang terdiri dari 10 dosen Prodi Tata Boga FT UNESA dan 5 guru Tata Boga SMK N 6 SBY. Pengambilan data uji organoleptik terhadap bentuk, warna kerak, warna penampang roti, pori-pori, aroma dan rasa roti tawar bekatul akan di analisis dengan uji anava satu faktor (one way anova), yang dilanjutkan dengan uji kimia dari produk terbaik untuk mengetahui kandungan protein dan serat. Hasil analisis uji anava menunjukkan penambahan bekatul berpengaruh terhadap bentuk, warna penampang roti, aroma dan rasa, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap warna kerak dan pori-pori. Roti tawar terbaik diperoleh berdasarkan nilai mean tertinggi dari hasil uji organoleptik yaitu dengan penambahan bekatul 10% (A1) dengan formula terigu 1000 g, bekatul 100 g, air 640 g, garam 15 g, gula 80 g, yeast 15 g. Hasil rata-rata yang dicapai, memiliki bentuk sedikit tidak simetris dan kurang membentuk payung, warna kerak kuning sedikit coklat, warna penampang roti putih kekuningan dan kusam, pori-pori berongga cukup rapat dan rata, cukup beraroma harum gandum dan peragian serta sedikit beraroma bekatul serta rasa yang cukup gurih, cukup manis dan cukup berasa bekatul. Kandungan protein per 100 g roti yaitu 7,10 gram dan serat 3,68 gram. Kandungan serat pada roti tawar per 100 g sudah mencukupi 14, 72% dari total kebutuhan serat perhari.

Kata kunci : bekatul, roti tawar (open top bread) bekatul.


Rice bran is external coat of rice which escape kibbling process of rice. Addition of rice bran at bread to lessen the availibility of rice bran which abundance, exploiting nutrient content at rice bran which required to body, at the same time can add protein and fibre at bread. Purpose of this research to know 1) effect of addition from rice bran to bread (open top bread) covering shape, crust color, color of bread, pore, smell and taste 2) the bestly bread 3) protein and fiber at bestly bread. This research is experimental with one factorial design device use 3 treatment that is addition of rice bran 10, 15 and 20%. Intake of data conducted by trained panel, amounting to 15 person who consist of 10 lecturer of gastronomy education FT UNESA and 5 bakery and pastry teacher at SMK N 6 SBY. Intake of data test organoleptik to shape, crust colour, colour of bread, pore, smell and taste rice bran bread will analysis with test of anava one factor, continued with chemical test of best product to know protein and fibre content. Result of anava test analysis show addition of bekatul have an effect on to shape, colour of bread, smell and taste, but do not have an effect on to crust colour and pore. Best rice bran bread obtained pursuant to value of mean highest from result of test of organoleptik that is with addition of bekatul 10% ( A1) with wheat formula 1000 g, rice bran 100 g, water 640 g, salt 15 g, sugar 80 g, yeast 15 g. Result of reached mean, owning form a few asymmetric and less is shape of umbrella, crust colour yellow a few chocolate, colour of bread is brass and is matt, pore of bread enough densely hollow and witness, enough odorous of fermentation and oat and also a few smell rice bran which enough crispy, sweet enough and enough rice bran taste . Obstetrical of protein per 100 grams rice bran bread that is 7,10 and fibre 3,68 gram. Obstetrical of fibre at rice bran bread per 100 g have answered the demand of 14, 72% from totalizeing requirement of fibre of daily.

Keywords: rice brain, rice brain bread (open top bread).

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