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Kelor merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan yang sangat potensial digunakan sebagai bahan makanan karena mengandung banyak unsur-unsur zat gizi yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Daun kelor dapat diolah menjadi aneka ragam lauk pauk sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan responden terhadap penganekaragaman lauk pauk dari daun kelor yang meliputi warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa, serta kandungan gizi.

 Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan resep dasar berbagai macam lauk pauk dari daun kelor berupa perkedel, kerupuk, tumis atau oseng-oseng, dan botok. Penelitian utama dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap lauk pauk dari daun kelor. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi melalui uji organoleptik. Sampel dinilai oleh 15 orang panelis terlatih dan 15 orang panelis semi terlatih. Data uji organoleptik dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif, kandungan gizi masing-masing produk dianalisa uji kimia di laboratorium Balai Penelitian dan Konsultasi Industri (BPKI) Surabaya.

Tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap olahan perkedel daun kelor: warna 63,3% suka, aroma 60% suka, 7tekstur 3,3% suka, rasa 66,7% suka. Kerupuk daun kelor: warna 60% suka, aroma 70% suka, tekstur 66,7% suka, rasa 76,7% suka. Tumis daun kelor: warna 40% suka, aroma 46,7% suka, tekstur 66,7% suka, rasa 53,3% suka. Botok daun kelor: warna 56,7% suka, aroma 60% suka, tekstur 56,7% suka, rasa 66,7% suka. Kandungan gizi perkedel daun kelor: protein 11,52%, lemak 6,56%, kalsium 31,80mg, vitamin A 11,81mg dan vitamin B 1,82mg. Kandungan gizi kerupuk daun kelor: protein 8,68%, lemak 0,58%, karbohidrat 65,12%, kalsium 84,5mg, vitamin A 71,8mg dan vitamin B 0,82mg. Kandungan gizi tumis daun kelor: protein 9,05%, lemak 7,22%, kalsium 38,50mg, vitamin A 18,20mg, dan vitamin B 1,52mg. Kandungan gizi botok daun kelor: protein 13,80%, lemak 6,88%, kalsium 52,05mg, vitamin A 21,61mg dan vitamin B 2,06mg.


Kata Kunci : Penganekaragaman, lauk pauk, daun kelor. 



Moringa is a one of plant which potentially use as a food ingredient because it contains many elements of the nutrients that the body needs. Moringa leaves can be processed to be variation of daily side dishes. The aims of this research was to know respondents’ preference of various side dishes made of Moringa leaves including color, aroma, texture, taste, as well as to know the nutrient. 

This research was descriptive quantitative. The previous study was aimed to get the basic receipes of side dish from Moringa leaf, those were perkedel of Moringa leaves, Moringa leaves chips, sauted Moringa leaves, botok of Moringa leaves. The main of research was to know the panelist acceptance toward the side dishes made of Moringa leaf. Observation through Organoleptic test was used to collect the data. The Samples were 15 trained panelists and 15 semi-trained panelists. The organoleptic test were analyzed in the descriptive quantitative, the nutrient content of each product was analyzed chemically in the laboratory the center of industrial research and consultant (BPKI) Surabaya.

 The panelist preference of the Perkedel of Moringa leaves: 63,3% liked the color, 60% liked the aroma, 73,3% liked the texture, 66,7% liked the taste. Moringa leaves chips: 60% liked the color, 70% liked the aroma, 66,7% liked the texture, 76,7% liked the taste. Sauted Moringa leaves: 40% liked the color, 46,7% liked the aroma, 66,7% liked the texture, 53,3% liked the taste. Botok of Moringa leaves: 56,7% liked the color, 60% liked the aroma, 56,7% liked the texture, 66,7% liked the taste. The nutrient of the Perkedel Moringa leaves was 11,52% of protein, 6,56% of fat, 31,80mg of calcium, 11,81mg of vitamin A and 1,82mg vitamin B.  Moringa leaves chips 8,68% of protein, 0,58% of fat, 65,12% of carbohydrate, 84,5mg of calcium, 71,8mg vitamin A and 0,82mg vitamin B. Sauted Moringa leaves 9,05% of protein, 7,22% of fat, 38,50mg of calcium, 18,20mg of vitamin A, and 1,52mg vitamin B. Botok of Moringa leaves 13,80% protein, 6,88% of fat, 52,05mg of calcium, 21,61mg vitamin A and 2,06mg vitamin B. 


Keywords: Diversification, Side Dishes, Moringa Leaves. 

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