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Fruit Leather nanas merupakan produk makanan ringan hasil olahan puree buah nanas. Fruit leather berbentuk lembaran tipis dengan ketebalan 2-3 mm, menyerupai kulit, lentur dan dapat digulung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi penambahan labu kuning dan karagenan terhadap hasil jadi fruit leather nanas dan mengetahui kandungan air, β-karoten, dan serat yang terdapat pada fruit leather nanas terbaik. 

Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan pola faktorial 3x3. Variabel bebasnya yaitu labu kuning (20, 30, 40%) dan karagenan (0,4, 0,6, 0,8%), sedangkan variabel terikatnya mutu organoleptik fruit leather nanas yang meliputi warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kelenturan, dan tingkat kesukaan panelis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi melalui uji organoleptik oleh 15 panelis terlatih dan 15 panelis semi terlatih dengan lembar observasi berbentuk kuesioner. Analisis data hasil uji organoleptik menggunakan metode analisis varians ganda (two way anova) dan uji lanjut Duncan. Produk terbaik dilakukan uji kimia untuk mengetahui kandungan air, β-karoten, dan serat di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabaya. 

Hasil Penelitian menunjukan interaksi penambahan labu kuning dan karagenan tidak berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kelenturan, dan kesukaan fruit leather nanas. Penambahan labu kuning berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kelenturan, dan kesukaan fruit leather nanas. Penambahan karagenan berpengaruh terhadap kelenturan dan kesukaan fruit leather nanas, tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Hasil uji kimia produk terbaik fruit leather nanas dari perlakuan penambahan labu kuning 40% dan karagenan 0,8% memiliki kandungan air 5,08%, β-karoten 3,81 ppm, dan serat 6,74%. 


Kata kunci : Fruit leather nanas, labu kuning, dan karagenan.



Pineapple’s fruit leather is a chewy candy that is made of fruit puree. Its thickness is 2-3mm, it resembles skin, is plastis and can be rolled into a small tubular shape. This research aim are to know  the interactions effect of the addition of pumpkin and carageenan to the final result of pineapple’s fruit leather and to know the water’s density, β-karoten, and the fiber from the best pineapple’s fruit leather.

This type of this experimental research were a factorial 3x3 pattern with pumpkin (20, 30, 40%) and carageenan (0,4, 0,6, 0,8%) as the independent variable. Dependent variable as organoleptik quality were color, scent, flavor, texture, malleability, and panelists’ fondness toward pineapple’s fruit leather.  The data collection of pineapple’s fruit leather organoleptic testing were conducted by observing 15 trained panelist and 15 semi-trained panelist with questionare instrument. The data analysis of the organoleptic test result were done by Two Ways Anova and Duncan’s poshoc test. A chemical test conducted to the best product to know the water’s density, β-karoten, and fiber in Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabaya.

The results of this research showed that the interaction’s addition of pumpkin and carageenan unaffected the color, scent, flavor, texture, malleability, and panelists’ fondness toward pineapple’s fruit leather. Addition of pumpkin had prominent effect on the color, scent, flavor, texture, malleability, and panelists’ fondness toward pineapple’s fruit leather. The addition of carageenan affected the malleability, and panelists’ fondness toward pineapple’s fruit leather, but the color, scent, flavor, and texture remain unaffected. The chemical testing result toward the best product were: the addition of pumpkin is 40% while the addition of carageenan is 0,8%, the water’s density is 5,08%, β-karoten is 3,81 ppm, and fiber is 6,74%.


Keywords : Pineapple fruit leather, pumpkin, and carageenan

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