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Nasi kuning adalah makanan khas Indonesia yang terbuat dari beras yang dimasak bersama dengan   kunyitsantan dan rempah-rempah. Pada penelitian ini nasi kuning terbuat dari proporsi beras dan puree ganyong. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk :  1) mengetahui pengaruh proporsi beras dan puree ganyong terhadap sifat organoleptik nasi kuning yang meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, dan rasa, serta tingkat kesukaan, 2) mengetahui sifat organoleptik nasi kuning beras-ganyong terbaik meliputi: bentuk, warna, aroma, dan rasa, serta tingkat kesukaan 3) mengetahui sifat kimia nasi kuning beras-ganyong terbaik meliputi kadar karbohidrat, air, abu, lemak, serat pangan, dan inulin.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial tunggal, di mana variabel bebasnya adalah proporsi beras dan puree ganyong diantaranya (90% ; 10%) (80% ; 20%) (70% ; 30%) (60% ; 40 %), variabel terikatnya adalah mutu organoleptik meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, dan rasa serta tingkat kesukaan. Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi melalui uji organoleptik yang dilakukan oleh panelis terlatih 15 orang dan panelis semi terlatih 20 orang, dengan instrumen berupa lembar observasi dalam bentuk chek list. Analisis data menggunakan analisis varian tunggal (anova) dan uji lanjut Duncan dengan bantuan SPSS. Kandungan karbohidrat, air, lemak, abu, serat pangan dan inulin nasi kuning beras-ganyong terbaik diperoleh dari hasil uji laboratorium.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) proporsi beras dan puree ganyong berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat organoleptik nasi kuning meliputi: bentuk, warna, aroma, dan rasa, serta tingkat kesukaan; 2) Sifat nasi kuning beras-ganyong dari hasil uji organoleptik terbaik dengan proporsi beras 90% dan puree ganyong 10% adalah bentuk cukup berbulir antar bulir saling menempel  tidak menggumpal, warna kuning, beraroma khas nasi kuning, berasa khas nasi kuning, serta cukup suka; 3) kandungan gizi nasi kuning beras-ganyong dari hasil uji organoleptik terbaik dengan proporsi beras 90%  dan puree ganyong 10% adalah air 35,31%, lemak 4,89%, serat pangan 2,74%, abu 3,05%, inulin 15,62%, karbohidrat total 46,12%.

Kata Kunci : nasi kuning, puree ganyong, nasi kuning ganyong


Yellow rice is a typical Indonesian food made of rice that had cooked with turmeric, coconut milk and spices. In this study, yellow rice made ​​from rice and puree proportion canna. The purpose of this study was to: 1) the effect of the proportion of rice and puree canna to organoleptic properties of yellow rice which include shape, color, aroma, and flavor, as well as the level of preference, 2) determine the organoleptic properties of yellow rice rice-canna best include: shape, color, aroma, and taste, as well as the level of preference 3) determine the chemical nature of the yellow rice rice-best canna include carbohydrate, water, ash, fat, dietary fiber and inulin.

This study of research was experimental research with the single factorial design, in which the independent variables were the proportion of rice and puree canna including (90% ; 10%) (80% ; 20%) (70%;  30%) (60% ;  40 %), the dependent variable was the organoleptic quality include shape, color, aroma, and taste and preference level. The collection of data by observation through organoleptic test conducted by 15 persons  trained panelists and panelists semi-trained 20 people, with test instrument with the form observation sheet of a check list. Analysis of data using a single analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS. Carbohydrate, water, fat, ash, dietary fiber and inulin canna yellow rice rice-best.were obtained from the results of laboratory test results.

The results showed 1) the proportion of rice and puree canna significantly affect the organoleptic properties of yellow rice include: shape, color, aroma, and flavor, as well as the level of preference; 2) The nature of yellow rice rice-canna results of organoleptic test best with the proportion of rice 90% and puree canna 10% were a form sufficiently ripened between the grains from sticking together does not clot, yellow, scented typical yellow rice, taste typical yellow rice, and enough love ; 3) The nutrient content of rice yellow rice-canna of the best organoleptic test results with the proportion of 90% rice and puree canna 10% water 35.31%, 4.89% fat, 2.74% dietary fiber, ash 3.05%, inulin 15.62%, 46.12% total carbohydrates.

Keywords: yellow rice, puree canna, canna yellow rice

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