Pengaruh Proporsi Sari Buha Belimbing Dan Tomat Serta Bahan Pengental (Jelly Powder Dan Agar) terhadap Sifat Organoleptik
Selai lembaran merupakan inovasi selai yang berbentuk padat yang ditambah bahan pengental yaitu karagenan dan agar-agar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh proporsi sari buah belimbing dan tomat terhadap hasil jadi selai lembaran; (2) pengaruh proporsi bahan pengental (jelly powder dan agar) terhadap hasil jadi selai lembaran; (3) Pengaruh interaksi proporsi sari buah belimbing dan tomat serta bahan pengental (jelly powder dan agar) terhadap hasil jadi selai lembaran yang meliputi warna, aroma, tekstur, kelenturan, rasa dan kesukaan) dan (4) kandungan gizi selai lembaran yang terbaik meliputi vitamin C dan kadar air.
Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 3x3, di mana variabel bebasnya yaitu proporsi sari buah belimbing dan tomat sebanyak 60%:40%, 50%:50%, 40%:60%, proporsi bahan pengental (jelly powder dan agar) sebanyak 60%:40%, 65%:35%, 70%:30% dan variabel terikatnya adalah hasil jadi selai lembaran meliputi warna, aroma, tekstur, kelenturan, rasa dan kesukaan. Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi melalui uji organoleptik. Analisis data menggunakan analisis anava ganda dengan bantuan SPSS dan uji kimia meliputi vitamin C dan kadar air.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) proporsi sari buah belimbing dan tomat berpengaruh terhadap warna, rasa, aroma dan kesukaan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelenturan. 2) proporsi bahan pengental (jelly powder dan agar) berpengaruh terhadap kelenturan. 3) Interaksi proporsi sari buah belimbing dan tomat serta bahan pengental (jelly powder dan agar) tidak berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, tekstur, kelenturan, rasa dan kesukaan. 4) kandungan gizi selai lembaran terbaik memiliki vitamin C (48,8 mg) dan kandungan air (25,50%).
Kata kunci: selai lembaran, jelly powder, agar, belimbing, tomat
Jam slice are innovation of jam solid form with the thickeningadded namely carrageenan and jelly.The purpose of this study are (1) the proportion affect of star fruit juice and tomato to the results of jam slice; (2) affect of thickening (jelly powder and aspic) adding to the results of jam slice; (3) to know proportion interaction of star fruit juice and tomato and thickening (jelly powder and jelly) to the result of jam slice include color, flavor, texture, flexibility, taste and preferences and (4) nutritional content of the best jam slice include vitamin C and water content.
Type of this research is experimental with 3x3factorial design, where the independent variable are the juice of star fruit and tomatoes by 60%:40%; 50%:50% and 40%:60% and thickening proportion (jelly powder and aspic) 60%: 40%, 65%:35% and 70%:30% and the dependent variable are the result of jam slice include color, flavor, texture, flexibility, taste and preference. Data collected by observation through organoleptic test. Data analysis used multiple ANOVA analysis with SPSS and chemical test include vitamin C and water content.
The results showed 1) proportions of star fruit juice and tomatoes affect color, flavor and preferences but did not affect the texture and flexibility. 2) proportions of thickening (jelly powder and aspic) affect the flexibility and preferences. 3) proportion interaction of star fruit juice and tomato and thickening (jelly powder and aspic) did not affect color, flavor, texture, flexibility, taste and preferences. 4) nutritional content of the best jam slice include vitamin C (48,8 mg) and water content(25,50%).
Keywords: jam slice, jelly powder, aspi, starfruit, tomato