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Anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) terutama ADHD dan Autus memiliki kendala produk pangan yang Anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) terutama ADHD dan Autus memiliki kendala produk pangan yang memberi dampak (reaktif) tertentu yaitu pangan yang berbahan gula, gluten, kasein, Msg, zat pewarna buatan dan zat aditif lainnya. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui 1) konsumsi makanan anak berkebutuhan khusus; 2) pemenuhan kecukupan gizi anak berkebutuhan khusus di SDN Sidokumpul 7 Gresik.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif. Tempat penelitian di SDNSidokumpul 7 Gresik Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. subjek penelitian purposifsebanyak empatanak. Analisis data secara kualitatif yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian, dan penarikan kesimpulan.

Hasil  penelitian ini adalah: Responden I: anak penyandang ADHD tidak diperbolehkan mengkonsumsi makanan dari bahan pangan gula, tetapi responden I tetap mengkonsumsi segala pangan apapun tanpa terkecuali pangan reaktif seperti gula mempengaruhi tindakan adaptif anak 1.  makanan yang dikonsumsi Makanan yang dikonsumsi ABK adalah jenis bahan; sumber karbohidrat berupa nasi dan singkong; protein berupa ikan lele, bandeng nuggat ayam, daging sapi, telur, tempe, dan ayam; sayuran berupa bayam, kangkung, sawi, dan kembang kol, dan wortel; buah berupa jeruk, apel, papaya, pisang  dan terdapat makanan yang seharusnya dihindari namun tetap dikonsumsi yaitu berupa wafer, minuman instan, gula, garam, dan MSG, dengan jumlah porsi makan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak, dan frekuensi makan anak tiga kali dalam satu hari. 2. Tingkat kecukupan gizi anak berkebutuhan khusus di SDN Sidokumpul 7 Gresik terpenuhi karena makanan yang dikonsumsi anak telah memenuhi kebutuhan gizi mikro dan makro, namun diantaranya ada beberapa anak yang kecukupan gizinya tidak terpenuhi pada kecukupan gizi makro; energi, protein, kerbohidrat dan lemak

Kata Kunci: Adhd, Autis, Konsumsi Makanan, Kecukupan Gizi



                    Children with special needs (ABK) especially Attention Deficit And Hyperanctivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism have problems of food products that children with special needs (ABK) especially ADHD and Autism has constraints that impact the food product (reactive) certain food that is made from sugar, gluten, casein, MSG, artificial food dyes and other food additives. Purpose of this study was to determine 1) the consumption of foods children with special needs; 2) the fulfillment of the nutritional adequacy of children with special needs in SDN Sidokumpul 7 Gresik.                     This type of research is descriptive exploratory. Place of research on SDN Sidokumpul 7 Gresik Data were collected by means of in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. purposive research subject as many as four children. The qualitative data analysis include data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions.                     Results of this study are: Respondents I: children with ADHD were not allowed to consume food from food sugar, but the respondents I still consume any foods without exception all reactive foods such as sugar affects the child adaptive actions 1. The food consumed food consumed ABK is the type of material ; sources of carbohydrates such as rice and cassava; proteins such as catfish, milkfish nuggat chicken, beef, eggs, tempeh, and chicken; vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, and cauliflower, and carrots; fruits such as oranges, apples, papaya, banana and there are foods that should be avoided while still consumed in the form of biscuits, instant drinks, sugar, salt and MSG, the number of portions in accordance with the needs of children, and the frequency of feeding children three times in one day. 2. The level of nutritional adequacy of children with special needs in SDN Sidokumpul 7 Gresik fulfilled because of the food consumed by children already meet the nutritional needs of micro and macro, but among them there are some children who are not being met on the nutritional adequacy of macro nutrient adequacy; energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat



Keyword: Adhd, Autis, The Comsumtion of Food, Nutrisional Adequacy

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