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Santri belum bisa hidup mandiri karena belum memaksimalkan potensi yang dimiliki dan pondok pesantren belum memberikan bekal bekerja. Menyikapi hal tersebut santri diberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis life skill dengan menggunakan perangkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kelayakan perangkat pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis life skill, mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan dan hasil pelatihan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang menghasilkan perangkat pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis life skill. Model pengembangan perangkat mengacu pada model Plomp. Subjek penelitian adalah 20 santri pondok pesantren Darul Falah V yang berminat untuk berwirausaha. Instrument penelitian adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar angket, daftar cek, lembar validasi, lembar tes, dan lembar keterlaksanaan pelatihan. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, angket, dokumentasi, telaah perangkat, dan penugasan. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis hasil validasi perangkat dengan mencari skor rata-rata kemudian dideskripsikan dengan rentang 1 sampai 4 (tidak layak, kurang layak, cukup layak, layak). Hasil telaah perangkat pelatihan kewirausahanaan berbasis life skill berupa silabus, power point, dan modul oleh ahli telah memenuhi kategori valid sehingga perangkat tersebut layak digunakan. Hasil uji coba terlihat bahwa persentase keterlaksanaan pelatihan adalah 92% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil penilaian aspek afektif peserta pelatihan kewirausahaan rata-rata sebesar 86,7 dengan kategori baik sekali. Hasil penilaian aspek kognitif peserta sebesar 83 dengan kategori baik sekali. Hasil penilaian psikomotor peserta sebesar 90,2 dengan kategori baik sekali.

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Pelatihan Kewirausahaan, Life skill.




Students could not live on their own because they had not been maximize potentials and boarding school not give the provision work. To comment on this students  given entrepreneurship training based life skill by the use of devices. The purpose of this research is device can describe the worthiness of the entrepreneurship training based on life skill, describe of its implementation and the results of training. The research were development was produced a device entrepreneurship training based life skill. The subject of study were 20 students of Darul Falah V boarding school which were  interested in entrepreneurship. Instrument research were  interview guidelines, questionnaire, a register of checks , sheets of validation , sheets of tests , and an implementation sheet. Data collection technique were interview, questionnaire, documentation, review of device, and task. Data analysis technique covering an analysis of validation device by seeking the average score then described by the span of 1 to 4 (improper, less proper, quite proper, proper). The review of device training entrepreneurship based on life skill in the form of a syllabus, power point, and module by the expert, already complied valid category so device were suitable to be used. The results of the tryouts it can be seen that the training implementation percentage is 92% to a category very good. The assessment results of the aspects affective participants entrepreneurship training an average of 86,7 to a category good. The assessment results of the aspects cognitive participants reached 83 to a category good. The assessment results of the psychomotor participants of 90,2  to a excellent category.

Key word: Development, Entrepreneurship training, Life skill.

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