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Ahmad Bayhaqi


Abstrak Pizza dengan substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan wortel adalah pizza yang dibuat dengan bahan dasar tepung terigu yang disubstitusikan dengan tepung mocaf dan ditambahkan dengan puree wortel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree wortel terhadap mutu organoleptik pizza yang meliputi warna, aroma, rasa dan pori-pori.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Eksperimen dilaksanakan dengan sembilan macam perlakuan yang terdiri dari substitusi tepung mocaf 30,40 dan 50% serta penambahan puree wortel sebanyak 30, 50, dan 70%. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa uji organoleptik meliputi warna, aroma, rasa dan pori-pori pizza dengan sembilan perlakuan. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis varian 2 jalur dan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) substitusi tepung mocaf berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma dan pori-pori pizza; 2) penambahan puree wortel berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma dan pori-pori pizza; 3) interaksi antara penambahan puree wortel dan substitusi tepung mocaf berpengaruh terhadap warna dan pori-pori pizza.4) produk terbaik dari pizza wortel mocaf yaitu pada produk dengan perlakuan penambahan puree wortel sebanyak 50% dan substitusi tepung mocaf sebanyak 30%. Jumlah kandungan zat gizi pada pizza wortel mocaf yang terbaik yaitu pada sampel dengan perlakuan W2M1 yaitu Karbohidrat sebanyak 51,82 gram, protein 10,05 gram Vitamin A sebanyak 415,33 IU, Betakaroten 147 IU dan serat sebanyak 3,88 gram. Kata Kunci : pizza, wortel, tepung mocaf   Abstract Pizza with the flour substitution mocaf and addition of carrots is pizza made with basic ingredients flour substituted with mocaf flour and added with carrot puree. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of flour substitution mocaf and carrot puree to the organoleptic quality of pizza which includes color, aroma, taste and pores. The research is an experimental research. Experiments performed with nine kinds of treatment consisting of flour substitution mocaf 30.40 and 50% and the addition of carrot puree as many as 30, 50, and 70%. Data collection techniques using instruments such as organoleptic tests include color, aroma, taste and pores pizza with nine treatment. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of variance 2 pathway and further test of Duncan. The results showed 1) the substitution of flour mocaf influence the color, aroma and pores pizza; 2) the addition of carrot puree influence the color, aroma and pores pizza; 3) The interaction between the addition of carrot puree and flour substitution mocaf influence the color and pores pizza.4) products from pizza carrots mocaf ie products treated with the addition of carrot puree as much as 50% and substitution mocaf flour as much as 30%. Total content of nutrients in carrots mocaf best pizza is in the samples treated with W2M1 are carbohydrates as much as 51.82 grams, protein as much as 10.05 grams , Vitamin A as much as 415.33 IU, beta-carotene and fiber as much as 147 IU of 3.88 grams. Keywords: pizza, carrots, flour mocaf 

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