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yang berbentuk semi padat menjadi lembaran kompak, elastis, transparan, dan tidak lengket. Pada penelitian ini jeli lembaran dibuat dari sari belimbing dan sari tomat. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Pengaruh proporsi sari belimbing : sari tomat terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran meliputi warna, aroma, kelenturan, transparan, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan; 2) Pengaruh suhu pengeringan terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran meliputi warna, aroma, kelenturan, transparan, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan; 3) Pengaruh interaksi proporsi sari belimbing : sari tomat serta suhu pengeringan terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran meliputi warna, aroma, kelenturan, transparan, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan; 4) Kandungan gizi vitamin A, vitamin C, energi dan kadar air pada jeli lembaran terbaik.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan 6 perlakuan proporsi sari belimbing : sari tomat dan suhu pengeringan yaitu 70%:30%, 50%:50%, 30%:70% dan 40°C, 50°C. Pegambilan data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan jumlah panelis sebanyak 40 orang Prodi Tata Boga, Jurusan PKK, Fakultas Teknik UNESA. Analisis data menggunakan anava dua jalur (two way anova), jika ada pengaruh yang signifikan diuji dengan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Proporsi sari belimbing : sari tomat berpengaruh terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran warna, aroma dan transparan; 2) Suhu pengeringan berpengaruh terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran warna, aroma dan rasa; 3) Interaksi proporsi sari belimbing : sari tomat serta suhu pengeringan berpengaruh terhadap sifat organoleptik jeli lembaran kesukaan; 4) Produk jeli lembaran terbaik adalah perlakuan suhu 50°C dan proporsi sari belimbing 70% : sari tomat 30%. Kriteria organoleptik jeli lembaran terbaik adalah warna kuning tua sedikit oranye, beraroma sedikit belimbing dan beraroma tomat, transparan, cukup berasa belimbing dan berasa tomat. Hasil uji kandungan gizi jeli lembaran terbaik per 100 g adalah vitamin A 114.166,67 SI, vitamin C 46,85 mg, energi 296,85 kkal, dan kadar air 28,96 g.

Kata kunci: jeli lembaran, sari belimbing, sari tomat, suhu pengeringan, sifat organoleptik


Jelly sheet is a semi-solid jelly modification into compact, elastic, transparent and non-sticky sheets. In this study jelly sheet made from star fruit juice and tomato juice.The purpose of this research is to know: 1)the effect of the proportion of star fruit : tomato juice to organoleptic proporties ofsheet jelly include color, flavor, flexibility, transparent, taste and prefererence level; 2)the effect of drying temperature on the organoleptic properties of sheet jelly includes color, flavor, flexibility, transparency, taste and prefererence level; 3) the interaction effect of the proportion star fruit juice : tomato juice and drying temperature to organoleptic properties of sheet jelly include color, flavor, flexibility, transparent, taste and prefererence level ; 4) the nutritional content of vitamin A, vitamin C, energy and water content on the best sheet jelly.

The type of this research is experimental research with 6 treatments that is the proportion star fruit juice : tomato juice and draying temperature: 70%:30%, 50%:50%, 30%:70% and 40°C, 50°C. The data were collected using observation sheets with 40 panelists in Culinary study program, PKK Departement, Faculty of Engineering UNESA. Data analysis using two way anova, if any significant effect tested with Duncan Multiple Renge Test (DMRT) advanced test.

The results showed: 1)the proportion of star fruit juice: tomato juice effect on the organoleptic properties of jelly sheets color, flavorand transparent; 2)drying temperature effect on organoleptic properties of jelly sheets of color, flavor and taste; 3) the interaction of star fruit juice proportion: tomato juice and drying temperature have an effect on the organoleptic properties of jelly sheet of preferred; 4) The best sheet product is temperature 50°C and proportion star fruit juice 70%: tomato juice 30%. Organoleptic criteria of the best sheet jelly is a slightly dark orange yellow color, scented slightly starfruit and flavorful tomatoes, transparent, enough taste starfruit and taste of tomatoes. The best test results of nutritional content of the best sheet jelly per 100 grams are vitamin A 114.166,67 SI, vitamin C 46,85 mg, energy 296,85 kkal, and water content 28,96 grams.

Keyword: jelly sheet, starfruit juice, tomato juice, drying temperature, organoleptic properties.

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