Penganekaragaman Kue Basah Tradisional Berbasis Tepung Premix

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) hasil jadi kue basah tradisional berbasis tepung premix 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap kue basah tradisional (lapis, talam, dan nagasari) berbasis tepung premix yang meliputi penampilan, warna, tekstur, aroma, dan rasa 3) kandungan gizi kue basah tradisional berbasis tepung premix yang terdiri dari karbohidrat, protein, lemak, serat, dan kadar air, 4) harga jual tepung premix dengan menggunakan perhitungan cara konvensional.

Metode pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah metode observasi melalui uji hedonik. Panelis yang digunakan berjumlah 45 orang. Analisis data menggunakan persentase dan hasilnya dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan uji anava one way.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) hasil jadi kue basah tradisional berbasis tepung premix sudah memenuhi kriteria kue basah apabila dilihat dari sifat organoleptik 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis tertinggi terhadap kriteria penampilan adalah kue talam 93,33%, warna kue terdapat pada talam 95,56%, aroma kue terdapat pada lapis 95,56%, tekstur kue terdapat pada talam 100%, dan rasa kue terdapat pada nagasari 93,33%, dari hasil uji anava one way diketahui jenis kue basah tradisional berbasis tepung premix dengan masa simpan selama 10 minggu dapat diterima dan memiliki tingkat kesukaan yang sama dari penilaian panelis; 3) kandungan gizi tepung premix adalah karbohidrat 71,05 gram, protein 8,90 gram, lemak 4,11 gram, serat 2,30 gram, dan kadar air 8,15 gram; 4) harga jual tepung premix per pack 695 gram dijual di pasaran dengan harga Rp 37.800,00.

Kata Kunci: Tepung Premix, Ragam Kue Basah


This research aims to know about 1) the result is a traditional cake based flour premix, 2) the favorites level to panelist against about traditional cake (layers cake, talam cake, and nagasari cake) based flour premix which includes colour, aroma, texture, taste, and appearance, 3) to know about the nutrient content of wet cake the traditional flour-based premix consisting of carbs, protein, fat, fiber, and water content, 4) to know the selling price of flour premix to using conventional ways of calculation.

The collection methods the research is the observation method of hedonic. Panelists used totalling 45 persons. The analysis data using the percentage and results continued with the use of anava one way test.

The results showed 1) the results of making traditional cake based flour premix have met the criteria of cakes when viewed from organoleptic properties; 2) highest level of Results against the criteria of the Favorites panel appearance was 93.33%, talam cake color a cake there at talam 95.56%, fragrance found in the layers of the cake texture 95.56%, there is at 100%, talam and taste the cake there is on nagasari 93.33%, from the one way anava test it is known that the type of traditional premix flour based cake with a shelf life of 10 weeks can be accepted and has the same level of preference from the panelists assessment; 3) nutritional content of premix flour is carbohydrate 71.05 grams, protein 8.90 grams, fat 4.11 grams, fiber 2.30 grams, and water content 8.15 gram; 4) selling price of flour premix 695 grams per pack sold in the market at a price of Rp 37,800,00.

Keywords: Key words: flour Premix, Wet Cake Variety

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