Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Tiwul Tawar Instan dan Jenis Shortening Terhadap Sifat Organoleptik Kue Lapis Surabaya (Layer Cake)

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Kue lapis Surabaya disebut juga layer cake adalah jenis cake yang terdiri atas beberapa lapisan kuning coklat kuning dengan selai sebagai perekatnya. Kue lapis Surabaya terbuat dari tepung terigu, gula, telur, shortening, baking powder, dan emulsifier. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh substitusi tepung tiwul tawar instan dan jenis shortening terhadap sifat organoleptic kue lapis Surabaya meliputi warna, tekstur, pori-pori, aroma, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan, 2) kandungan gizi pada produk terbaik kue lapis Surabaya tiwul dari uji organoleptic meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, kalsium, serat, fosfor, dan kandungan air.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain factorial 3x2, dimana variable bebas adalah proporsi tepung tiwul tawar instan:jenis shortening. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 50%:margarin. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 50%:mentega. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 75%:margarin. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 75%:mentega. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 100%:margarin. Tepung tiwul tawar instan 100%:mentega. Variable terikat penelitian ini adalah warna, tekstur, pori-pori, aroma, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan. Teknik pengambilan data adalah observasi melalui uji organoleptik, yang dilakukan oleh 15 panelis terlatih dan 15 panelis semi terlatih. Analisis data hasil uji organoleptik menggunakan uji anava ganda dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil terbaik kue lapis Surabaya selanjutnya dilakukan uji kandungan gizi.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Substitusi tepung tiwul tawar berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, tekstur, pori-pori, dan rasa, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aroma dan tingkat kesukaan. Sedangkan jenis shortening berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, dan tingkat kesukaan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pori-pori dan tekstur, 2) Kandungan gizi kue lapis Surabaya tiwul berdasarkan uji laboratorium melalui uji proksimat menunjukkan hasil karbohidrat 53,48%, protein 8,46%, lemak 3,74%, kalsium 68,16 mg, serat 3,74%, fosfor 96,14 mg, dan air 28,24%.

Kata Kunci: Kue lapis Surabaya, tepung tiwul tawar instan, shortening


Surabaya layer cake is a type of cake consists of several layers of yellow-brown-yellow with jam as the adhesive. Surabaya layer cake made of flour, sugar, eggs, shortening, baking powder, and emulsifiers. This study aims to determine 1) The influence of tiwul plain instant flour substitution and type of shortening on organoleptic properties of Surabaya layer cake include color, texture, pores, aroma, taste and preference level, 2) The nutrient content of the best Surabaya tiwul layer cake include carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, fiber, phosphorus, and water content.

This research is an experimental study with a 3x2 factorial design, where the independent variable was the proportion of tiwul plain instant flour: the type of shortening. 50% tiwul plain instant flour: margarine. Instant fresh flour 50% tiwul plain instant flour: butter. 75% tiwul plain instant flour: margarine. 75% tiwul plain instant flour: butter. 100% tiwul plain instant flour: margarine. 100% tiwul plain instant flour: butter. The dependent variable of this study is the color, pores, aroma, texture, taste and preference level. Data collection technique used an observation sheet by organoleptic tests conducted by 15 trained panelists and 15 semi-trained panelists. Data analysis from organoleptic test results using multiple anava test and continued with Duncan test. The best product results of the Surabaya layer cake then tested for nutrient content.

The results showed 1) proportion of tiwul plan instant flour significantly affected color, texture, pores, and taste, but did not significantly affect aroma and level of preference. While the type of shortening has a significant effect on color, aroma, taste, and level of preference, but does not significantly affect the pores and texture, 2) The best nutritional content of Surabaya layer cake were 50% instant fresh tiwul flour with a type of shortening butter. Based on the results of laboratory tests in the form of a proximate chemical content test namely carbohydrate 53.48%, protein 9.46%, fat 3.74%, calcium 68.1 mg, fiber 3.74%, phosphorus 96.14 mg, and water 28.24%


Keywords: Surabaya Layer Cake, Tiwul Plain Instant Flour, Shortening.

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