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Mie adalah salah satu bentuk olahan pangan sumber karbohidrat yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif makanan pokok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh substitusi tepung tempe terhadap sifat organoletik dan tingkat kesukaan mie kering. 2) pengaruh proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli) terhadap sifat organoletik dan tingkat kesukaan mie kering 3) interaksi antara substitusi tepung tempe dan proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli) terhadap sifat organoletik dan tingkat kesukaan mie kering. 4) kandungan gizi mie meliputi karbohidrat, lemak, kalori, protein, fosfor, serat dan kadar air. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan 2 variabel bebas yaitu substitusi tepung tempe 10%, 15%, 20% dan proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli) 2:3, 1:4 dan 1:9 dengan 9 variasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi oleh 30 panelis. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis varian ganda (two way anova) dan di uji lanjut Duncan, yang selanjutnya akan diuji kandungan gizi dengan uji kimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Subtitusi tepung tempe berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna (hijau) , aroma (sedikit langu), kerapuhan (tidak rapuh) dan bentuk (helaian menyatu) pada mie kering. 2) proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli) berpengaruh nyata terhadap bentuk ( helaian cukup menyatu) pada mie kering. 3) Interaksi substitusi tepung tempe dan proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna (hijau) pada mie kering. 4) kandungan gizi mie kering substiusi tepung tempe 10% dan proporsi cairan (air dan puree brokoli) 2:3 per 100 gram diperoleh karbohidrat 52,08%, kalori 298.70%, lemak 3,11%, protein 27, 605 %, fosfor 0.19 %, serat 1.13 % dan kadar air 10,26%.

Kata Kunci: Mie kering, substitusi tepung tempe dan puree brokoli


Noodles are a form of processed carbohydrate source that can be used as an alternative staple food. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of substitution of tempeh flour on organoletic properties and the level of preference for dried noodles and cooked noodles. 2) the effect of the proportion of liquid (broccoli water and puree) on the organoletic properties and the favorite level of dried noodles and cooked noodles 3) the interaction between tempe flour substitution and the proportion of liquid (broccoli water and puree) to the organoletic properties and preference for dried noodles and cooked noodles. 4) Nutrient content of noodles includes carbohydrates, fat, calories, protein, phosphorus, fiber and moisture content. This type of research is an experiment with 2 independent variables namely substitution of tempe flour 10%, 15%, 20% and proportion of liquid (water and puree broccoli) 2: 3, 1: 4 and 1: 9 with 9 variations. Collection is done by observation by 30 panelists. Data analysis used a two-way analysis method (two way anova) and in Duncans advanced test, which will then be tested for nutrient content by chemical testing. The results showed that 1) The substitution of tempeh flour had a significant effect on color (green), aroma (slightly unpleasant), fragility (not brittle) and shape (unified strands) in dry noodles. 2) the proportion of fluid (water and puree of broccoli) has a significant effect on the shape (the strands are quite fused) in the dried noodles. 3) Interaction of substitution of tempeh flour and proportion of liquid (water and broccoli puree have significant effect on color (green) on dried noodles. 4) Nutritional content of dried noodles with 10% tempeh flour and proportion of liquid (water and pure broccoli) 2: 3/100 grams obtained by carbohydrates 52.08%, calories 298.70%, fat 3.11%, protein 27, 605%, phosphorus 0.19%, fiber 1.13% and moisture content 10.26%.

Keywords: Dry noodles, substitution of tempeh flour and broccoli puree

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