Pengaruh Subtitusi Puree Sukun dan Penambahan Puree Daun Katuk terhadap Sifat Organolaptik Mie Basah

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh subtitusi puree sukun terhadap sifat organolaptik mie basah; 2) pengaruh penambahan puree daun katuk terhadap sifat organolaptik mie basah; 3) pengaruh subtitusi puree sukun dan penambahan puree daun katuk terhadap sifat organolaptik mie basah; 4) kandungan gizi produk mie basah terbaik subtitusi puree sukun dan penambahan puree daun katuk yang meliputi vitamin A, poliphenol, kalsium, fosfor, karbohidrat vitamin C, antosianin, riboflavin, dan protein. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan pola faktorial 3X3 dengan variabel bebas puree sukun dengan proporsi (45g, 55g, 65g) dan puree daun katuk (20g, 30g, dan 40g). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi oleh 30 panelis. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis varian ganda (two way anova) dan di uji lanjut Duncan.

Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Substitusi puree sukun berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, bentuk, rasa kekenyalan, dan tingkat kesukaan; 2) Penambahan puree daun katuk berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, aroma, bentuk, rasa, kekenyalan, tekstur dan tingkat kesukaan; 3) Interaksi substitusi puree sukun dan penabahan puree daun katuk berpengaruh nyata terhadap rasa dan tekstur mie basah; 4) Mie basah subtitusi puree sukun dan penambahan puree daun katuk terbaik didapatkan dari formula A, yakni substitusi puree sukun 45g dan penambahan puree daun katuk 20g dengan kandungan gizi vitamin A sebanyak 112,51mg, poliphenol sebanyak 84,6mg, kalsium sebanyak 66,3mg, fosfor sebanyak 41,05mg, karbohidrat sebanyak 26,31%, vitamin C 9,6mg, antosianin 3,81, dan riboflavin 3,3 mg dan protein 3,05%.

Kata kunci: puree sukun, puree daun katuk, mie basah


This study aims to determine: 1) the sustitution effect of breadfruit puree on organolaptic properties of wet noodles; 2) the additional effect of katuk leaf puree to organolaptic properties of wet noodles; 3) the influence of breadfruit puree substitution and the addition of katuk leaf puree to the organolaptic properties of wet noodles; 4) the best nutritional content of wet noodle products substituted for breadfruit puree and the addition of katuk leaf puree which includes vitamin A, polyphenol, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrate vitamin C, anthocyanin, riboflavin, and protein. The type of this research is experiment with 3X3 factorial pattern with independent variable breadfruit puree with proportion (45g, 55g, 65g) and katuk leaf puree (20g, 30g, and 40g). Data collection is done by observation by 30 panelists. Data analysis used a two-way anova analysis method and in Duncans advanced test.

Research results show that: 1) Breadfruit puree substitution has a significant effect on color, shape, elasticity, and level of preference; 2) Additional of katuk leaf puree significantly affects the color, aroma, shape, taste, elasticity, texture and level of preference; 3) The interaction of substitution of breadfruit puree and filling of katuk leaf puree significantly affected the taste and texture of wet noodles; 4) Wet noodles substituted with breadfruit puree and the addition of the best katuk leaf puree were obtained from formula A, which is the substitution of 45g breadfruit puree and the addition of katuk 20g leaf puree with a nutritional content of 112.51mg, 84.6mg of polyphenols, 66.3mg of calcium , phosphorus as much as 41.05mg, carbohydrate as much as 26.31%, vitamin C 9.6mg, anthocyanin 3.81, and riboflavin 3.3 mg and protein 3.05%.

Keywords: breadfruit puree, katuk leaf puree, wet noodles

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