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Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give adalah strategi pembelajaran yang diawali dengan pemberian kartu kepada siswa. Pembelajaran pada kompetensi dasar teknik pengolahan makanan di SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu kurang maksimal dalam mencapai tujuan, dilihat dari hasil belajar, respon siswa dan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru sehingga kurang melibatkan siswa secara aktif. Hal tersebut menjadikan alasan peneliti untuk menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give pada kompetensi dasar teknik pengolahan makanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Aktivitas guru dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran, 2) Aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran, 3) Respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give dan 4) Hasil belajar siswa terhadap model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah Pre Experimental Design dengan rancangan penelitian pre test and post test. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu kelas X Jasa Boga 3 dengan jumlah siswa 19 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, angket, tes hasil belajar dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan persentase dan t-test.

Hasil penelitian dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give pada kompetensi dasar teknik pengolahan makanan menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas guru mendapatkan persentase sebesar 88,38% dengan kriteria sangat baik, aktivitas siswa sebesar 89,52% dengan kriteria sangat baik, respon siswa sebesar 83,15 % siswa merespon “ya” dan jika dikategorikan maka pembelajaran tersebut sangat baik. Data hasil belajar pengetahuan terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu pre test dan post test. Hasil pre test menunjukkan sebanyak 47,36 %  siswa tuntas sedangkan hasil post test sebanyak 100% siswa tuntas. Hasil uji normalitas data nilai Pre Test dan Post Test adalah 0,302 dan 0,327. Hasil nilai statistik uji t perbedaan nilai pre test dan post test sebesar -5,463 dengan taraf signifikasi 0,00. Hasil belajar sikap sebesar 89,77% dengan kriteria sangat baik sedangkan hasil keterampilan sebesar 100% siswa tuntas. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Take and Give dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.


Kata kunci: Kooperatif Take and Give, aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, respon siswa dan hasil belajar siswa




Cooperative learning Take and Give is a learning strategy that begins with giving cards to the students. Learning on the basis of technical competence in the food processing SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu less than the maximum in achieving the goal, judging from the results of learning, student response and teacher-centered learning that did not involve students actively. This makes the reason researchers to implement cooperative learning Take and Give on the basic of technical competencies in food processing. This study aims to determine: 1) the teacher activities in the management of learning, 2) students activities during the learning process, 3) student response to cooperative learning model to Take and Give and 4) Results of student learning to cooperative learning Take and Give.

This research is Pre Experimental Design with study design pre-test and post-test. The subjects were students of SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu class X Catering service 3 the number of students 19. Data collection methods used observation, questionnaires, tests and documentation of learning outcomes. While the analysis of the data using percentages and t-test.

The results of research in applying cooperative learning Take and Give on the basic of technical competencies of food processing shows that the teacher activities get a percentage of 88.38% with a very good criteria, student activities by 89.52% with very good criteria, student responses by 83, 15% of students responded "yes" and if the learning is considered very good. Knowledge of result learning data is divided into two, namely the pre-test and post-test. Pre-test results show as much as 47.36% while the students completed the post test results as much as 100% of students completed. Results of normality test of data values ​​Pre Test and Post Test was 0.302 and 0.327. The results of the t test statistic value difference value of pre-test and post-test of -5.463 with a significance level of 0.00. The results of studying the attitude of 89.77% with the criteria very well, while the results of students skills at 100% complete. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning Take and Give can improve results of student learning.

Keywords: Cooperative Take and Give, teacher activity, student activity, student responses and results of student learning

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