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Yoghurt susu kambing etawa merupakan salah satu minuman yang terbuat dari susu kambing etawa dan memiliki rasa asam, segar yang dihasilkan melalui proses fermentasi. Penambahan ekstrak jahe dimaksudkan untuk membantu membentuk koagulasi pada proses penggumpalan yoghurt karena terdapat kandungan enzim protease dalam jahe dan menghilangkan aroma yang didapat dari susu kambing. Penambahan susu skim bertujuan untuk memperbaiki tekstur yoghurt. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui:1) pengaruh jumlah ekstrak jahe terhadap sifat organoleptik; 2) pengaruh jumlah susu skim terhadap sifat organoleptik; 3) pengaruh interaksi jumlah ekstrak jahe dan susu skim terhadap sifat organoleptik; 4) produk terbaik  menurut sifat organoleptik; 5) kandungan gizi yoghurt susu kambing etawa.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan pola faktorial (3x2) yakni faktor 1 dengan jumlah ekstrak jahe 2%, 3%, 4% dan faktor 2 dengan jumlah susu skim 4% dan 5%. Data uji organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan metode anava klasifikasi ganda (Two Way Anova). Hasil produk terbaik akan dilakukan dengan Uji Laboraturium untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi.

            Hasil peneliti menunjukan: 1) jumlah ekstrak jahe berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, kekentalan dan tingkat kesukaan; 2) jumlah susu skim berpengaruh terhadap warna dan tingkat kesukaan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap aroma, rasa, dan kekentalan pada yoghurt; 3) interaksi  jumlah ekstrak jahe dan susu skim berpengaruh terhadap warna, kekentalan dan tingkat kesukaan; 4) hasil produk terbaik diperoleh pada P5 dengan jumlah ekstrak jahe 4% dan susu skim 4%; 5) hasil uji kimia pada yoghurt susu kambing etawa diperoleh kandungan lemak 2,46%, protein 5,62%, bahan kering tanpa lemak 9,65%, jumlah asam laktat 2,19%, pH 3,88, jumlah bakteri Lactobacillus Bulgariccus 4,8x106 kol/g dan Streptococcus Thermopillus 2,3x105 kol/g.


Kata kunci: Yoghurt, Ekstrak Jahe, Susu Skim, Sifat Organoleptik.





            Etawa milk yogurt is one of the drink made from milk Etawa and has a sour taste, fresh produced through the fermentation process. The addition of ginger extract is intended to help shape the process of clotting coagulation yogurt because there are levels of protease enzymes in ginger and eliminate scent derived from goat's milk. The addition of skim milk aims to improve the texture of yogurt. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of the amount of ginger extract on organoleptic properties; 2) the effect of the amount of skim milk to the organoleptic properties; 3) the effect of the interaction of ginger extracts and the amount of skim milk to the organoleptic properties; 4) best product according to the organoleptic properties; 5) nutrient content Etawa milk yogurt.

This research is an experiment with a factorial (3x2) which is a factor of 1 to the number of ginger extract 2%, 3%, 4% and a factor of 2 the number of skim milk 4% and 5%. Organoleptic test data were analyzed using ANOVA dual classification (Two Way ANOVA). The results will be done with the best products Test Laboratory to determine the nutrient content.

This research was an experiment by using two variables: independent variable and dependent variable. Amount of ginger extract used was 2%, 3%, 4% and amount of skim milk used was 4% and 5%. Data collection was using observation technique through organoleptic tests. The organoleptic test data were analyzed using method of two way anava. If there was a significant effect then tested furthermore with Duncan's test.

 Research shows: 1) amount of ginger extract affected on color, aroma, flavor, consistency and level of preference; 2) amount of skim milk affected on color and level of preference but had no effect on aroma, taste, and consistency of yogurt; 3) interaction amount of ginger extract and skim milk affected on color, consistency and level of preference; 4) the best product obtained at treatment P5 with amount of ginger extract 4% and skim milk 5%; 5) results of chemical tests on etawa goat milk yoghurt obtained fat 2.46%, protein 5.62%, nonfat dried ingredient 9.65%, amount of lactic acid 2.19%, pH 3.88, number of bacteria Lactobacillus Bulgariccus 4.8x106col/g and Streptococcus Thermopillus 2.3x105 col/g.


Key words: Yoghurt, Ginger Extract, Skim Milk, Organoleptic quality

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