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 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mutu dan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil olahan beras sebagai makanan pokok dengan penambahan daun kelor meliputi: aroma, warna, tekstur, dan rasa, serta untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi hasil olahan beras yang ditambahkan daun kelor sebagai makanan pokok.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan dua tahapan, yaitu penelitian awal menentukan resep standar olahan beras dengan penambahan daun kelor 10 g, 20 g, dan 30 g.  Hasil terbaik yang diperoleh adalah penambahan 20 gram. Hasil olahan beras yang ditambahkan daun kelor meliputi: nasi uduk, nasi goreng, nasi tim, bubur dan lontong. Penelitian utama dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas olahan beras yang ditambahkan daun kelor. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi melalui uji organoleptik. Sampel dinilai oleh 30 orang panelis yang terdiri dari panelis terlatih (Dosen Tata Boga) dan panelis semi terlatih (Mahasiswa Tata Boga). Data hasil uji organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif, selanjutnya dilakukan uji kimia untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi masing-masing produk.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan daun kelor terahadap mutu hasil olahan beras sebagai makanan pokok adalah nasi uduk: warna 40% putih, aroma 40% sedikit kelor, tekstur 90% punel, rasa 66,6% gurih, nasi goreng: warna 80% merah kecoklatan, aroma 60% bumbu, tekstur 46,66% cukup pera, rasa 80% bumbu, nasi tim: warna 66,66% putih kehijauan, aroma 43,3% sedikit kelor, tekstur 36,66% cukup halus, dan rasa 43,3% sedikit gurih, bubur: warna 66,66% putih kehijauan, aroma 40% sedikit kelor, tekstur 46,66% halus, rasa 40% sedikit kelor, lontong: warna 100% putih kehijauan, aroma 50% sedikit kelor, tekstur 40% padat dan rasa 33,3% sedikit kelor. Tingkat kesukaan panelis adalah: nasi uduk: warna 50% suka, aroma 60% suka, tekstur 33,3% suka, rasa 60% suka, nasi goreng: warna 40% suka, aroma 46,7% suka, tekstur 40% suka, rasa 60% suka, nasi tim: warna 50% suka, aroma 46,66% suka, tekstur 43,3% suka, dan rasa 33,3% suka, bubur: warna 46,6% suka, aroma 46,6% suka, tekstur 46,6% suka, rasa 46,6% suka, dan lontong: warna 50% suka, aroma 46,7% suka, tekstur 40% dan rasa 33,3% suka. Kandungan gizi : nasi uduk: energi 327,52 Kkal, karbohidrat 65,8 g, protein 7,11 g, lemak 3,05 g, kalsium 8,8 mg, vitamin B 3,6 mg, vitamin C 2,8 mg nasi goreng: energy 344,78 Kkal, karbohidrat 68,11 g, protein 5,7 g, lemak 4,58 g, kalsium 11,5 mg, vitamin B 0,49 mg, vitamin C 1,6 mg;  nasi tim: energi 295,9 Kkal, karbohidrat 62,8 g, protein 6,05 g, lemak 1,44 g, kalsium 7,3 mg, vitamin B 1,91 mg, vitamin C 0,3 mg; bubur: energi 194,69 Kkal, karbohidrat 43,61 g, protein 2,18 g, lemak 0,74 g, kalsium 4,7 mg, vitamin B 0,28 mg, vitamin C 0,7 mg, lontong: energi 283,2 Kkal, karbohidrat 62,8 g, protein 3,82 g, lemak 1,06 g, kalsium 6,5 mg, vitamin B 0,71 mg, vitamin C 0,2 mg.

Kata kunci: olahan beras, makanan pokok, daun kelor. 




The purpose of this study was to determine the quality and level A panelist on the processed rice as a staple food by the addition of Moringa leaves include: aroma, color, texture, and flavor, as well as to determine the nutrient content of processed rice is added Moringa leaves as a staple food.

This research is an experiment with two phases, namely the initial study determining the basic recipe of processed rice and the main study. Data collection using observation through organoleptic tests. Samples were assessed by a 30 person panel of trained panelists (PKK Prodi Catering Lecturer) and semi-trained panelists (PKK Prodi Student Department, Faculty of Engineering UNESA Catering). Organoleptic test result data were then analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques and processed rice include: uduk rice, fried rice, rice team, porridge and rice cake with the addition of moringa leaf chemical tested to determine the nutrient content of each product.

The results showed the addition of Moringa leaves for quality of processed products include rice as a staple food color, aroma, texture and flavor are uduk rice: 40% white color, aroma 40% slightly moringa, texture punel 90%, 66.6% savory flavors, rice fried: brownish red color 80%, 60% spice aroma, texture quite pera 46.66%, 80% flavor condiments, rice team: 66.66% greenish white color, aroma 43.3% slightly moringa, texture 36.66% quite smooth, and 43.3% slightly savory taste, mush: 66.66% greenish white color, aroma 40% slightly moringa, 46.66% smoother texture, taste 40% slightly moringa, rice cake: 100% white greenish color, aroma 50% a little moringa, 40% dense texture and taste slightly Moringa 33.3%. A level panelists are: rice uduk: color 50% like it, 60% liked the aroma, texture 33.3% like it, 60% liked the taste, fried rice: 40% liked the color, aroma 46.7% like it, 40% liked the texture, 60% liked the taste, the rice team: 50% liked the color, the aroma of 46.66% love, love the texture of 43.3%, 33.3%, and a sense of love, mush: 46.6% liked the color, aroma 46.6% like , texture like 46.6%, 46.6% liked the taste, and the rice cake: 50% liked the color, aroma 46.7% like it, 40% texture and taste like 33.3%. Total nutrient content of processed rice with the addition of Moringa leaves are: rice uduk: energy 327.52 kcal, 65.8 g carbo 7.11 g, protein, 3.05 g, fat, 8.8 mg, cal 3.6 mg, vit. B  2.8, mg vit. C, fried rice: 344.78 kcal of energy, 68.11 g carbo 5.7 g, protein 4.58 g, fat, cal 11.5 mg, 0.49 mg of vit. B, vit. C 1.6 mg, rice team: energy 295.9 kcal, 62.8 g carbo, 6.05 g protein, 1.44 g fat, cal 7.3 mg, 1.91 mg of vit. B, vit. C 0.3 mg, porridge: 194.69 kcal energy, 43.61 g carbo, 2.18 g protein, 0.74 g fat, calcium 4.7 mg, 0.28 mg of vit. B, vit. C 0.7 mg, rice cake: energy 283.2 kcal, 62.8 g carbo, 3.82 g protein, 1.06 g fat, cal 6.5 mg, 0.71 mg of vit. B, vit. C 0.2 mg.

Keywords: Processed rice, a staple food, moringa leaves

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