• Alif Istinarul Bahiyyah Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Corry Liana Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The media is now increasingly being used as a means of propaganda, especially political propaganda. The media is used to lead public opinion so that it stays on the expected path and so that public trust is maintained. The problem that arises then is about how the public's attitude towards the truth of the information content presented if the context of the information has a bias towards certain parties. Interaction using nonverbal media is easy to find in today's increasingly rapid digital era. The use of media has also shifted, not only as entertainment or insight, but also as a means of conveying certain messages that are personal between the owners of media power and the community as interaction partners. This phenomenon has been going on since the early era of Indonesian independence, more specifically the New Order era. The New Order, in spite of all kinds of narratives, left behind a long-standing leadership story with the main slogan "Era of Development". Infrastructure development and community development were carried out by the New Order during its nearly three decades of rule. One of the propaganda about this development is through television media. Almost all broadcasts broadcasted policies and programs of the New Order, either explicitly or implicitly. One of the shows that is interesting to study is “Si Unyil”, which is a family broadcast. The show is still a legend today and was loved by viewers at its time. The thing that is expected to pay attention to research is about how audiences need to pay attention to how the media is, not just receiving the information immediately. This research adheres to the theory of symbolic interactionism proposed by George Herbert Mead. This research thus seeks a new perspective on how the media is built, in order toincrease the critical power of information and the awareness to juxtapose information with empirical facts, especially for information that is biased towards certain parties. This research is to provide a point of view on how information received through the media is unconsciously can easily be trusted by the public. The objectives to be achieved provide an awareness for the audience to carefully examine information and compare it with empirical facts wherever possible. In addition, this insight can further be used to understand the biases in the content of the information, to which side the information is aligned.

Keywords: Symbolic Interaction, Si Unyil in time of New Order

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