• Alfabetha Aubilka Andani Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Trilaksana Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The church is a place of fellowship and prayer for Christians. The church also refers to the assembly of believers who are chosen to believe in the Lord Jesus. The existence of the church cannot be separated from how the pastor of the congregation leads and manages it until the development occurs on the church. Leadership is an important element that determines the successful development of an organization. Leadership and management are two things that are related and if a leader is able to have these two things, the organization will certainly have a promising future. However, not allleaders meet these criteria. The organization will continue to run and have an impact on the surroundings even though these two things are not fulfilled. The same is the case with the leadership carried out by Pastor Gideon Soetojo as church leader and pastor of the Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia El Shaddai Mojokerto in 1977-2019. Through the charismatic leadership style that he did during his life, there was a development for the church's existence, both inward and outward development, which proved that the church's growth was going well. His leadership has an impact on social and religious life for the people around the city of Mojokerto. His leadership continued until he died, which was then replaced by his wife and assisted by his son. Until now, the church continues to show its existence by referring to the leadership that he carried out followed by the times. This research discusses (1) How was Pastor Gedion Soetojo's leadership style in the development of the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia El Shaddai Mojokerto from 1977-2019 ?; (2) What is the impact of Pastor Gideon Soetojo's leadership on the social and religious life of the people of Mojokerto City. This study uses a historical research method which consists of four stages, namely heuristics or collection of sources to answer the problems under study. The collection of sources was obtained from the Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia El Shaddai Mojokerto, the Surabaya State University Library, and others. The second stage is source criticism or testing the credibility of the sources that have been obtained. The third stage is interpretation which aims to gather facts obtained from sources so that they become a complete and logical unified historical event. And the fourth stage is historiography which contains the writing or presentation of the results of historical research which are arranged systematically and critically. The results of this study explain that the Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia El Shaddai Mojokerto has grown since Pastor Gideon's leadership until now. This development is carried out in a charismatic leadership style whose implementation is not only visible in the church in the form of building and organization, but also in the existence of the church through increased cooperation between churches, among fellow Christians, government and non-Christian institutions. This is inseparable from Pastor Gideon's role as an example for the implementation of church development that will continue to be carried out for church growth.

Keywords: GPdI El Shaddai Mojokerto, Charismatic Leadership, Church Development

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