• Endah Sri Rahayu Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Trilaksana Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Sayap Jendela is an art studio in Bojonegoro Regency which not only focuses on one art, but there are four art classes in this studio, namely: 1. Theater class, 2. Dance class, 3 . Music class and 4. Fine Arts class. In its role as one of the art institutions located in Bojonegoro Regency, the Sayap Jendela studio has contributed quite a lot to the development of traditional arts in Bojonegoro Regency. The interesting thing to study from the Sayap Jendela studio is. 1. ) How did the Sayap Jendela studio develop from 2009 to 2017 ? . 2. ) What is the role of the Sayap Jendela Studio preserving traditional arts in Bojonegoro Regency? .
This study uses historical research methods which consist of four stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Heuristics (collecting data) At this stage, the researcher conducts a source search in the studio, oral sources will be obtained through direct interviews with the founders and administrators of the Sayap Jendela Studio. The source of the writing will be obtained through several documents obtained from several trusted sources, namely the manager of the Sayap Jendela Art Studio, such as documentation of activities, contemporary pamphlet , notarial deeds, as well as newspapers and articles. At the stage of searching for secondary sources in this study through books and journals that are in accordance with the research. The next stage is Source Criticism. Criticism of Historical source criticism (historical criticism) is carried out on this historical source, there are 2 phases, namely internal and external criticism, in internal criticism, the researcher conducts internal criticism by verifying and testing aspects in each source to test the validity of the source. Furthermore, the interpretation of the facts obtained from the source is carried out. Furthermore, the Historiography stage is the last stage of historical research. At the Historiography stage or a series of historical events that have been interpreted and then put together in a coherent way about the Sayap Jendela Studio, which is written about the development of the studio and the role of the Sayap Jendela studio in preserving traditional arts in Bojonegoro.
The result of this research is that the Sayap Jendela art Studio has been established since 2009. From 2009 to 2017 the Sayap Jendela studio has experienced various developments, such as the development of the number of students untul the studio. Since the beginning of the establishment of the studio in 2009 until 2017, the studio still did not have its own place, so it was still rented out at the house of a resident of Ledok Kulon village, Kec. Bojonegoro, Kab, Bojonegoro, in 2017, because the activity of the studio in village activities in the village of Ledok Kulon made the village government and the community of the village of Ledok Kulon pay considerable attention to the development of the studio, thus providing village treasury land to the studio to be used as an appropriate practice and holding performances. The development of the number of students in the The Syap Jendela Ar Studio 2009 to 2017 is caused by the interest of the younger generation, which is influenced by the times. The role of the Syap Jendela Art Studio in the effort to preserve traditional arts in Bojonegoro is to 1.) as intangible cultural heritage, and trying to incorporate sandur and oklik arts into local content at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. 2.) development of traditional arts, namely by revitalizing sandur, creating oklik art with other traditional musical instruments and modern musical instruments. 3.) the use of traditional arts, namely by performing performances, both inside and outside the studio. 4.) coaching on traditional arts is carried out by accepting students and collaborating with schools in Bojonegoro district to carry out arts development in school extracurriculars.
Keywords: Sayap Jendela Art Studio, preservation, Traditional arts in Bojonegoro

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