• Ahmad Al-Hakim Aura Alam Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran
  • Rishad Daristama Baihaqi Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran
  • Kinanti Resmi Hayati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran
Keywords: national consciousness, nationalism, Japan's culture


The aim of this research is to assess the level of public concern for the image of Indonesia to be maintained through national insight knowledge, as well as to provide solutions or answers regarding the control of cosplay culture so that it can coexist with the distinctive characteristics. Additionally, individuals or communities who enjoy cosplay culture can still be respected or not receive negative stigma. The research method used is location survey where the researcher directly observes the event location and collects data through interviews with several respondents. The approach used to collect data is random (simple random sampling), where the sample members are taken randomly from the population without considering the strata in the population. The research sample object is the entire community attending the "Japan Night Festival" event at JX International Expo (Jatim Expo), Jl. Ahmad Yani no. 99, Surabaya on Saturday, April 8, 2023. The data is processed simply using percentage formulas and then visualized into frequency and pie charts. The results of observations and interviews with several respondents at the event show a lack of knowledge about national insight, but the community still has a high awareness and enthusiasm for maintaining the image of Indonesia through government-supported programs that strengthen national insight, which are adapted into local anime animation festivals and cosplay. This is the solution provided by the researcher. The implications that can be obtained if this program can be realized include maintaining the existence of national values and nationalism in society, increasing the tourism sector and the economy through domestic promotion by emphasizing local elements, and balancing local entertainment/culture with Japan.



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How to Cite
Alam, A. A.-H. A., Baihaqi, R., & Hayati, K. (2023). MENGUJI WAWASAN KEBANGSAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM ACARA “JAPAN NIGHT FESTIVAL”. Kajian Moral Dan Kewarganegaraan, 11(3), 633-644.
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