Systematic Review: Analisis Pendekatan Kecerdasan Majemuk pada Pembelajaran Fisika SMA

  • Moch. Asrori Mahbub Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Suliyanah Suliyanah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to analyze the approach of compound intelligence to learning physics in SMA. This type of research is library research using the PRISMA method, which is carried out systematically and follows research protocols. The data collection technique used in this study uses the PRISMA method to segregate data into articles from the last ten years (2012–2021) on Google Scholar and Crossref. The stages carried out include identification, screening, and inclusion. At the identification stage, use the keyword "compound intelligence, physics, multiple intelligence, physics." The first screening stage uses the criterion "Compound Intelligence Approach and Physics Learning" as its inclusion and exclusion criteria: "does not use compound intelligence and is not physics learning". At the screening stage, the second uses the keyword "SMA" as the inclusion criterion, and the exclusion criterion is "not SMA." From the inception stage, 20 articles were obtained, consisting of 17 scientific articles, one proceeding, and one thesis. The analysis of 20 research articles concluded that the compound intelligence approach could improve student learning outcomes, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. An effective learning model is used with a compound intelligence approach, namely the problem-based learning model that is student-centered and maximizes student potential. Research on the approach of multiple intelligences to physics learning at the high school level for the past ten years is still small and can be used as a basis for more research.

Author Biographies

Moch. Asrori Mahbub, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Suliyanah Suliyanah, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Teori dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Fisika
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