Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Vlog Pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis di SMKN 1 Surabaya
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Dunia pendidikan mempunyai efek yang penting dalam menambah kualitas manusia. Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi dalam bidang pendidikan sangatlah pesat terlebih dalam penggunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara di SMKN 1 Surabaya proses belajar pelajaran dasar desain grafis tetap memakai model ceramah dan proses belajar hanya satu arah pada guru. Media pembelajaran vlog berbeda dari model konvensional, materi diberikan melalui website sehingga materi dapat di pelajari dikelas dengan suasana yang berbeda dan juga dapat di pelajari dimana saja, penugasan diberikan saat dikelas sehingga pembelajaran tidak hanya berpusat pada guru Bergman dan Sams. 2012. Teknik identifikasi data yang dipakai adalah Paired Sample T-Test. terlihat beda hasil kelas bukan percobaan dan kelas percobaan, Analisis nilai umum kelas non eksperiment di kelas MM1 untuk pretest sebesar 56 dan posttest sebesar 70 dan kelas eksperiment di kelas MM2 untuk pretest sebesar 64 dan posttest sebesar 72, nilai rata rata pretest antara MM1 dan MM2 memiliki selisih 8 angka dan nilai Posttest memiliki selisih 2 angka jadi ada kenaikan hasil belajar di antara kelas non eksperimen dan kelas ekperimen, media pembelajaran vlog layak untuk digunakan karna ada peningkatan nilai hasil belajar.Angket self regulated learning menunjukan bahwa Self regulated Leraning siswa kelas multimedia 1 dengan presentase kemandirian 70.2% dan kelas multimedia 2 dengan presentase kemandirian 66.4% terdapat perbedaan dengan presentase sebesar 3.8%. Hasil pengujian memberitahukan bahwasanya nilai rerata hasil belajar sebelum proses belajar 53,1 dan sesudah pembelajaran 70,5. Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai yang drastis antara pemahaman awal dengan pemahaman sesudah pembelajaran dan hasil angket self regulated learning sehingga media pembelajaran vlog efektif ditinjau dari self regulated learning dan hasil belajar (Wicaksono, 2018).
Education has a very important role in increasing human resources. The development of the technologyy information the fieeld in education of is very rapid especially in the use of media in the process learning. On based results the interviews of at SMK 1 Surabaya the learning process of basic subjects in graphic design still uses conventional models and teacher-centered learning. Vlog learning media are different from conventional models, the material is given through the website so that the material can be studied in class with a different atmosphere and can also be learned anywhere, assignments are given in class so that learning is not only centered on teachers Bergman and Sams. 2012. The analysis data used technique is Sample Paired T-Test. There are in differences between results non-class experimental and class experimental, analysis of the value average of the non-class experimental in MM1 for pretest at 56 and posttest for 70 and experimental class in MM2 for pretest at 64 and posttest at 72, the average value of pretest between MM1 and MM2 have a difference of 8 numbers and Posttest value has a difference of 2 numbers so there is an increase in learning outcomes between non-experimental classes and experimental classes, vlog learning media is appropriate to use because there is increase an learning value outcomes of.Self the regulated learning questionnaire shows that Self regulated Leraning for multimedia class 1 students with a percentage of 70.2% independence and multimedia class 2 with a percentage of independence 66.4% there is a difference with a percentage of 3.8%. Results the that showed average the learning value of outcomes before learning 53.1 and after learning 70.5. ] Overall the results of the study showed a significant value between initial understanding and understanding after learning and the results of the self regulated learning questionnaire so that the effective vlog learning media were viewed in terms of self regulated learning and learning outcomes (Wicaksono, 2018).
Education has a very important role in increasing human resources. The development of the technologyy information the fieeld in education of is very rapid especially in the use of media in the process learning. On based results the interviews of at SMK 1 Surabaya the learning process of basic subjects in graphic design still uses conventional models and teacher-centered learning. Vlog learning media are different from conventional models, the material is given through the website so that the material can be studied in class with a different atmosphere and can also be learned anywhere, assignments are given in class so that learning is not only centered on teachers Bergman and Sams. 2012. The analysis data used technique is Sample Paired T-Test. There are in differences between results non-class experimental and class experimental, analysis of the value average of the non-class experimental in MM1 for pretest at 56 and posttest for 70 and experimental class in MM2 for pretest at 64 and posttest at 72, the average value of pretest between MM1 and MM2 have a difference of 8 numbers and Posttest value has a difference of 2 numbers so there is an increase in learning outcomes between non-experimental classes and experimental classes, vlog learning media is appropriate to use because there is increase an learning value outcomes of.Self the regulated learning questionnaire shows that Self regulated Leraning for multimedia class 1 students with a percentage of 70.2% independence and multimedia class 2 with a percentage of independence 66.4% there is a difference with a percentage of 3.8%. Results the that showed average the learning value of outcomes before learning 53.1 and after learning 70.5. ] Overall the results of the study showed a significant value between initial understanding and understanding after learning and the results of the self regulated learning questionnaire so that the effective vlog learning media were viewed in terms of self regulated learning and learning outcomes (Wicaksono, 2018).